Alec Baldwin RUST incident; a clairvoyants POV

The Alec Baldwin Rust incident happened on October 21, 2021 at Bonanza Creek Ranch, NM.

I have been fascinated by this strange event since hearing about it. I will leave it up to the reader to find the story details online; this is what I have seen with clairvoyant site.

What I immediately noticed watching the news footage of this is the ground under and around the church. It looks drained and toxic and has an influence on the energy, the people inside the structure. It was formed by people using this place in a way they considered “permission to be blasphemous.” It’s like people who have been frighted of an authority they see above them in the church their entire lives, but here they are free of it. It’s seen privately and personally to individuals as a place to pretend anything you want, and tends to have people act out in negative ways as a means to feel inner freedom. They have given themselves permission to act against God, in essence. They have given it to themselves, used the space in way to take advantage energetically and not get in “trouble”. Private permission as an individual to behave badly. Strange dynamic that has been a pattern here.

The shooting. The stage is set for dysfunction through the history and acting out on this property. The woman who got shot in another dimension looks like she is the star of the theatrical production, and lost her life in the drama. It’s like the real world and the pretend world got confused. It has something to do with the earth and building having residual toxic energy around it.

The implement that did the damage. Where did the live rounds come from? A man in authority is bullying a younger person who was working on the set as well. It looks like the man had the younger person set this up for him so that he could secretly go out on the range with the loaded gun. The man in authority is now bullying this young employee, as the person at fault, as he instructed him to help him. The young man, employee is living in terror about this. The older man is not taking any responsibility, but putting the buck on someone else. It’s cruel, and an abuse of power. The older man of authority looks exactly like the assistant director.

Alec Baldwin is not at fault, though he pulled the trigger. I see he and Halyna had past lives together, that help create their bond in this life. Since the incident, Alec looks like he is living very deeply from his soul self. He has and is growing into a different version of himself. He has been flattened by this experience and has let go of a lot of old beliefs and understandings. He is like a new garden of himself.


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Personality and Soul Self