Personality and Soul Self

One thing that I have experienced since forever is the dual personality self, and soul self and how our culture presents and judges these two parts of ourselves. As well, how it can be confusing to balance and integrate the two in our lives. 

I have had psychic abilities for as long as I can remember. When I was younger and building my confidence in the world, people would often say to me “Ha, you can’t be psychic, you are too goofy,” or “You can’t be that intuitive because you wear make-up..”. These comments and judgements were super hurtful to me, but they also gave me greater insight and empathy for anyone who struggles with not being seen. 

We have our personality selves, the selves that live on the planet, and we have our soul selves. Our personalities get to play and dress up and be exactly who we want to be. Our soul selves are our BEING, our EXISTING selves. The origin of our personality comes from our soul and so much more. So please don’t judge anyone when they tell you who they truly are. Open and explore it in your mind. Everyone of us has a story to tell. 

I will give you an example of how one goes back and forth between personality mode. A friend is dating a new guy, I see him and think that they seem like an odd match, for whatever reason. I go into a meditative state, open the beautiful energy space around me, clear my mind, open to the great divine light and VIOLA. I see something totally different. There is a reason that these two are spending time together that is quite amazing and beautiful. My mind found them odd together, but my heart (where the soul resides) now gets it. When I come out of my meditative state, I see things very differently. My personality has been directly influenced by my soul. This is how when you are tuning into your soul self on a regular basis, it can profoundly influence your life, your surroundings, your life choices. And the more that you check in with your soul self, the easier your life gets. The more smoothly your life will flow. 

The meditations techniques that I teach through my YouTube channel are all geared towards helping you connect with your deep soul self. The more that you go inward with meditative tools, the more easily your life will flow. This has been my direct experience, since forever. You can learn a technique and then see where it takes you. You can change it, alter it, make it your own. Try it and see what happens with ANY meditation technique. It doesn’t have to be mine, of course, it can be anything that is positive and helpful. My wish for you is that you can have greater inner peace and balance in your heart, mind and self.


Alec Baldwin RUST incident; a clairvoyants POV