Questions from clients and friends

How do you integrate being a clairvoyant into your everyday?

It is an interesting question; I do feel that I make choices for myself as well as comments to others based on divine guidance that I am seeing or hearing, but the other person does not know. It’s an interesting layer of existence to be tapped into, knowing that I need to frame my choices to others around things that will make sense to them. For example, an acquaintance tells me that he has been extremely moody on and off for the past couple of years and has no idea why, but is curious…not asking me, just saying it out loud in wonder. I tend to start seeing and knowing the moment that something crosses my mind. I do not have to be in a specific reading mode to know or see or hear spirit, as spiritual connection is unconditional, it can happen anytime, anywhere, and under any and all circumstances. So, with this acquaintance who has been moody, I am being shown that it’s from hormones in the meat that he’s eating and that wheatgrass juice will help wash it out of his body. I mention it to him not as a clairvoyant reader, but as a friend. This person doesn’t even know that I do this kind of work. I say to him that I think he should consider the hormones in the meat that he’s eating and that drinking wheatgrass can really help. His response is something like, “ok, yeah, whatever….hey I forgot all about green juices…”

Here is another example, I am in my car driving, suddenly there is a spirit woman in my car with me. She is someone that I know. I check in with her and she is a co-worker and she showed up because she is depressed. I was not sure why she came to me, but it seemed that she wanted some comfort. I don’t know her well enough to say anything to her in person, and she doesn’t know that I do this kind of work; but I have a new understanding that she has been struggling with something. On personality level, she ways appears kind and bubbly and happy.

Another example of something that happened while I was driving and interestingly, at the exact same location that the above situation happened. I feel and see myself in the car losing control and my car going back and forth on the freeway. It’s scary and I am shaken and have a stomachache almost as if it really happened. It was a warning, so I checked in about it and drove VERY carefully for the next couple of weeks. I could see that it was due to another driver not paying attention.

I was also warned about having a bad fall off of a horse that I regularly ride, so I requested a different horse that day.

If I have a choice to make about talking to someone in person, on the phone, texting or emailing I will tap into source to find out which was would help the other person receive my information the best way.

There are times when I can feel really lonely, though I am around others. It’s like a language and knowing that I can’t just share openly. When this loneliness comes up for me, I do have a few friends that I turn to for spiritual conversations relating to my life choices and it’s so utterly freeing to have them in my life! 😊

There are times that I feel overwhelmed or confused as I pick up on so much when I am around others and out in the world. I need time to allow cleansing and clearing of my energy field.

I can feel very introverted at times and have a very low capacity to talk or interact with people. It’s a clearing that is happening in my energy field, psyche, body and brain. It’s not a rejection of them, as I feel myself sending great positive energy to them.

Nature walks, hot Epsom salt/essential oil baths, writing, meditating all help keep my balanced and my field clear. I need in some capacity daily to take care of myself.

 How do you prepare before a reading?

In preparing for a reading, I will walk in nature the day before/day of, and do a meditation check in where I look at the persons energy. I check in with spirit about what the most important focus/message will be for this person. I jot down some notes. I then tune in again right before our call. I have some preliminary questions ready and a note book at hand to utilize during the call.

How do you protect yourself from other people’s energies, meaning detach so you do not feel drained?

I keep my vibration high and I am always aligned with my guides during readings. Learning to keep your vibration high, and going through your heart, keeps away negativity of any kind.

The energy that comes from empathy during a reading can be the most intense. Going into past lives and seeing the pain of another and feeling it in my body and emotions, does take time to recover from. It is through resting, and going to nature and taking care of myself in the best ways, that I feel completely restored. I do not feel haunted by others peoples’ energies, I simply feel overloaded with information, so doing the clearing self-care is imperative to my well-being.

Understanding what it is to connect with the higher realm, what it looks and feels like keeps me clear every day, as well the higher realm always guides me.

When the light is shining out from you, from your heart and solar plexus, nothing negative can get to you. That is the most simple and potent thing that you can do to protect yourself from negative influences.

Staying with the light, working in light, working with the light is a choice. Not going to the dark is a choice. Make being in the light a choice and don’t fear the dark, as like attracts. The dark is where fear is. The best way to stay protected and feel secure is to understand that being in the light or dark is a choice, that’s it. Do not fear the dark, but make a choice to always choose the light. Does that make sense?


Alec Baldwin RUST incident; a clairvoyants POV