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"You yourself, as much as anybody in the universe, deserves your love and affection."

- Buddha

Sophie Pander

Clair Sense Proficient | Empath | Channel

I have been aware of my Clair sense abilities since childhood. In seeking life's answers and a much desired inner peace, I have done a lifetime of exploration and self-development through meditative, mystical and spiritual studies. I have a passion for helping others reconnect with their deepest selves as a means to cultivate true balance and inner peace. We all deserve love and happiness and to remember that we are all ultimately our own greatest healers. I believe only in working with light energy, and have been properly trained to do so. Thank you for being here and checking out my offerings. 



My Readings

I am a conduit. I see and hear divine spirit guidance. I work with your questions one at a time and see what spirit brings forth for you. I will look at each of your questions through a guided vision that spans across dimensions, empathically through feeling and being infused with understanding and by asking for verbal details and guidance from both of our guides. This will always be intent on the highest and most important messages for you. We co-create the reading together by untangling one question at a time. I will likely ask you questions while I am receiving to check in with you. My goal in our working together is to nurture and help strengthen your own intrinsic pathway back to your infinite self. It is important to me that the reading is digestible, enjoyable, and uplifting.

At this moment, I am offering complimentary readings for one of your questions, along with the most potent divine message for you now.

Please see the description below

Complimentary Reading

At this time I am pleased to be offering complimentary readings focused on one of your questions;

as well, offer the most important divine message that the guides want you to know at this time in your life.

These readings are done through email.

Please feel free to email me directly with READING REQUEST in the subject line of the email.

I look forward to meeting you and helping illuminate your true gifts.

No Charge :)

Equine Readings

I love horses. I love riding and being with them as much as possible. They are important to my soul!

I have done many chakra scans/assessments/healings for humans and one day I decided to see if I could do the same for my equine friends.

To my amazement, I could see the horse’s energy field and dimensional layers equally well as that of humans.

I offer an equine chakra assessment and healing, as well as looking at any questions you may

have about your horse’s history, behaviors or anything else. I simply bring forth what I am shown

and told through the divine connection. I also chart out a hand written

chakra reading/healing for you to have.

I do these readings remotely, and then meet up with you either in person or over zoom to go over them.

Please email me with your interest with EQUINE READING REQUEST in the subject line of the email.

No charge, but donations appreciated :)

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"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world."

— Marianne Williamson

Visionary Psychic

I have studied over the years with some wonderful teachers, including Sara Wiseman. She gave me the tools for working with my abilities, and the courage to come out as a psychic. Sara offers exceptional courses and trainings. Please check out her website if this is something that interests you. You will find me on her visionary psychic page.